Ridgewood Dental Associates

Gum Graft Recovery

Dec 31, 2019 @ 06:15 PM — by Jin Ha Joung
Tagged with: Gum Grafting Oral Surgery

Gum recession and serious injury to the gumline can be treated by using a gum graft. This soft tissue rebuilds the gumline and helps improve overall dental health in the process. Dr. Jin Ha Joung, Dr. Mark Samani, and Dr. Min-Hee Cho have placed gum grafts on numerous patients in Ridgewood and throughout Bergen County, NJ.

Below, we want to provide a brief overview of the gum grafting recovery process. This will help you understand what to expect after oral surgery.

Common Side Effects After Gum Graft Surgery

After undergoing gum grafting, common side effects usually include:

Over-the-counter pain medication can be taken if needed, though the side effects should improve pretty quickly as long as patients follow post-op instructions closely.

Your Diet After Gum Graft Surgery

After undergoing gum graft surgery, it’s best to eat cold, cool, and lukewarm foods that are soft and do not require too much chewing. This prevents irritation, inflammation, and burning the graft material.

Some recommended foods after getting a gum graft include:

When possible, try to keep food on the opposite side of your mouth from your gum graft just to keep the area clean.

Foods to Avoid After Getting a Gum Graft

The team at Ridgewood Dental Associates typically tells patients to avoid the following foods and beverages until they have fully recovered:

No Tobacco or Drinking Straws Until You’re Fully Healed

Smoking and chewing tobacco can slow the healing process and increase the chances of gum disease. Patients will not be able to smoke or use chewing tobacco until they are completely healed. This may be a good excuse to quit.

In addition, we advise patients to not use drinking straws until their gumline has fully healed. The suction created by the drinking straw can undo sutures placed during surgery, and could affect the blood clots that develop as part of the healing process.

Proper Oral Hygiene After Gum Grafting

Patients should avoid brushing and flossing around the grafted area of their mouth to avoid injuring the new gum tissue. Regular oral hygiene can be performed on the rest of the mouth.

Patients will be given an antibacterial/antiseptic mouthwash to help clean the entire mouth and prevent possible infection. This mouthwash may be used for weeks after surgery just to avoid potential complications.

Attend Follow-Up Visits to Have Healing Monitored

Multiple follow-up care visits are scheduled after getting a gum graft. Be sure to attend all of these visits. This will allow our team to monitor your recovery and make any professional treatments or adjustments as necessary.

Contact Ridgewood Dental Associates

For more information about gum grafting and how it can help enhance the appearance of your smile and your dental health, be sure to contact our skilled team of cosmetic and restorative dentists. You can reach the team at Ridgewood Dental Associates by phone at (201) 485-6919.