Ridgewood Dental Associates

Tips to Reduce Invisalign Discomfort

May 29, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Jin Ha Joung
Tagged with: Invisalign

Invisalign® treatment has become a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. The clear aligners are nearly invisible, and the SmartTrack material used to manufacture Invisalign trays is more comfortable than the metal wires and brackets used with traditional braces.

At Ridgewood Dental Associates, our doctors discuss what patients should expect during treatment. Following the placement of your new aligners, you may experience minor soreness or irritation for a day or two.

Here, we provide patients with tips to reduce Invisalign discomfort. To learn more, contact our Ridgewood, NJ practice.

What Causes Invisalign Discomfort?

There are two potential causes of Invisalign discomfort: tooth pressure and gum irritation.

The Invisalign trays move teeth into alignment through micro-movements. After you place a new tray, you may feel pressure on certain parts of your tooth. This pressure eventually moves your tooth in a predetermined direction. You may experience short periods of soreness during this process.

Some patients may experience friction between the edges of their aligner trays and their cheeks or gums. One of our doctors can adjust your aligner trays to address this problem. Never try to adjust or cut parts of your trays yourself.

Tips for Reducing Unwanted Side Effects

There will be periodic moments of discomfort as you go through the Invisalign treatment process. Following these tips will ensure that you avoid any unnecessary discomfort.

Finally, be patient. No orthodontic treatment will be entirely free of discomfort. Advances in aligner tray technology result in minimal discomfort, but there is no way to avoid it completely.

Contact Our Office Today

Invisalign trays are a pain-free alternative to traditional metal braces. While the aligner trays are designed for comfort and effectiveness, there can still be period moments of irritation or sensations of pressure.

Our skilled staff will recommend treatments and remedies to address discomfort as needed. If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of a more attractive smile, contact our doctors online or call (201) 652-2474.