Ridgewood Dental Associates

Are You a Good Candidate for a Dental Mouth Guard?

Dec 9, 2014 @ 10:36 AM — by Jin Ha Joung
Tagged with: Mouth Guards Tmj Teeth Grinding

Mouth guards are protective dental appliances that fit over the teeth and prevent damage. Custom dental mouth guards are commonly recommended to patients who are at risk of damaging their teeth due to sporting activities or certain oral conditions. This general dentistry service helps patients maintain good oral health. At Ridgewood Dental Associates, mouth guard candidates include athletes and patients who suffer from bruxism and TMJ disorder. The customized dental mouth guards that we provide to our patients are superior in fit, comfort, and function to those found over-the-counter in sporting goods stores.

Mouth Guard Candidates

Mouth guards can be useful in protecting the teeth from the potential damage of traumatic injuries, which is why they are widely known as an athletic appliance. However, mouth guards can also protect the teeth against harmful oral habits. They hold the jaw and teeth in proper alignment, which can be useful in the treatment of other oral health problems. Because of the variety of benefits of dental mouth guards, many patients can benefit from their use. Ideal candidates for dental mouth guards include:

Benefits of Wearing a Mouth Guard

Patients who wear a mouth guard are at a decreased risk of:

Schedule an Appointment

If you believe that you can benefit from a dental mouth guard, we can provide you with one that is custom-fit to your teeth, providing superior comfort and function. Schedule an appointment with one of our skilled dentists at Ridgewood Dental Associates to find out if a dental mouth guard can be beneficial to your oral health. We look forward to hearing from you!