Ridgewood Dental Associates

Cleaning All-on-4 Implants and Restorations

Aug 29, 2019 @ 03:51 PM — by Jin Ha Joung
Tagged with: All On 4 Dental Implants Dentures

People who are missing most of their teeth often think that dentures are the only solution for their problem. That isn’t so. Our Ridgewood, NJ dentists offer All-on-4® dental implants to support dentures, meaning no inconvenient creams or adhesives. This allows a full set of custom dentures to be anchored into position on just four strategically placed dental implants. Dr. Jin Ha Joung, Dr. Mark Samani, and Dr. Min-Hee Cho can enhance your smile and your dental health thanks to this treatment option.

After All-on-4 treatment is completed, good oral hygiene is key to lasting results and patient satisfaction. Let’s consider the impact of oral hygiene on All-on-4 patients and what you can do to keep the dental implants and the denture in good condition.

Why Oral Hygiene Is Crucial for All-on-4

All-on-4 is a great option for total replacement of all missing teeth. Good oral hygiene helps ensure the dental implants remain healthy after you’ve initially undergone placement and in the years to follow. This prevents gum disease and per-implantitis, a form of gum disease specific to people who have dental implants.

Cleaning your denture is also crucial. It will help the denture look its best, and it will help you have a clean and healthy mouth. You’ll fight bad breath, ensure good periodontal health, and leave your restored smile looking natural and stainless in the process.

Proper Cleaning and Care for the Dental Implants

To properly clean your dental implants, consider the following tips:

Be thorough but gently when brushing and flossing to ensure you’re getting the surfaces of the dental implants clean without harming your gumline. For any remaining teeth, be sure to clean them using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Proper Cleaning and Care for the Denture

When cleaning your dentures, the team at Ridgewood Dental Associates recommends the following:

Attending Regular Dental Checkups

To ensure the best possible dental health and treatment results, it’s important that patients attend regular checkups with their dentist. Seeing the dentist every six months allows you to effectively prevent gum disease and other serious issues with dental wellness that cannot be treated with regular oral hygiene alone.

Avoid Tobacco Products

The best thing you can do for long-term All-on-4 aftercare is avoid smoking and the use of chewing tobacco. Tobacco products increase your risk for periodontal disease and peri-implantitis, both of which can result in implant failure even years after successful treatment.

If anything, consider your All-on-4 implants a convenient reason to kick the habit for good. If you need assistance quitting smoking, we can help you find the resources you need for lasting dental health and wellness.

Learn More About All-on-4

For more information about implant dentistry and why it may be ideal for you and your needs, be sure to contact our team of cosmetic and restorative dentists. The team at Ridgewood Dental Associates can be reached by phone at (201) 652-2474.