Ridgewood Dental Associates

Tooth Sensitivity When Chewing

Nov 29, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Jin Ha Joung
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Nothing can ruin a good meal quite like an unwanted guest, and there is no guest more unwanted than tooth sensitivity. Unfortunately, tooth sensitivity can sneak up on you when you least expect it. One day, eating your favorite foods is one of life’s great pleasures, and the next day you find yourself wincing at the thought of the sharp pain that next bite might mean. If this scenario sounds all too familiar, then there is light at the end of the tunnel in the form of restorative dentistry.

In treating tooth sensitivity when chewing at our Ridgewood, NJ practice, Drs. Jin Ha Joung, Mark Samani, and Min-Hee Cho first evaluate the mouths of patients to determine the underlying cause of the sensitivity. In most instances, tooth sensitivity can be traced to one of two common dental issues, enamel erosion or exposed tooth roots due to gum disease. Fortunately, both of these issues are quite treatable. Once these issues have been treated, tooth sensitivity generally subsides, and patients are able to return to enjoying their favorite foods once again.

It all begins with that initial consultation. We invite you to schedule yours today by contacting Ridgewood Dental Associates.

The Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Your teeth have to be strong to withstand the pressures of daily biting and chewing over the course of a lifetime. That is why they are coated with one of the strongest substances in all of nature, an incredibly hard-wearing material called enamel. Enamel is remarkably resilient, but it is not impenetrable. Over time, it can be worn down, especially among those who consume a lot of acidic foods and liquids and who do not practice stringent oral hygiene habits. Eventually, its defenses can be compromised.

When the enamel erodes, the dentin layer of the tooth becomes exposed. Unlike enamel, this layer is porous; although you cannot see them, microscopic holes in the dentin lead directly to the nerves of the tooth. As a result, food, bacteria, and other outside elements have an immediate path to the nerves - and there is nothing more sensitive than an exposed nerve.

Like the enamel, the gum tissues are extremely strong, albeit soft. They provide excellent protection for the parts of the tooth we cannot see, namely the roots. In the advanced stage of gum disease - periodontitis - the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, leaving the roots exposed. The roots of the teeth were not meant to be exposed; they are highly sensitive. Now, not only are they accessible, but there is a pocket between the gums and the teeth in which food, bacteria, and debris can hide. Further discomfort and damage are assured at this point.

Further discomfort and damage are assured, that is, unless you seek treatment. At Ridgewood Dental Associates, we offer a variety of restorative dentistry treatments that return optimal form and function to teeth affected by decay, gum disease, and other forms of dental damage. You will once again be able to eat, speak, and smile without pain.

Learn More about Tooth Sensitivity When Chewing

If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity when chewing, we urge you to contact Ridgewood Dental Associates today.