Ridgewood Dental Associates

What Can Cause Damage to Dental Crowns?

Oct 29, 2016 @ 01:00 PM — by Jin Ha Joung
Tagged with: Dental Crowns Restorative Dentistry

The team at Ridgewood Dental Associates offers numerous restorative dentistry options to address chips, cracks, and serious tooth injuries. For major decay or damage, dental crowns are an ideal option for tooth restoration.

While crows are quite durable, they can be fractured by a variety of thing. We'd like to use this blog post to consider the lifespan of dental crowns and the various causes of dental crown fractures.

How Durable are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are very strong and able to handle the same kinds of wear and tear that a person's natural teeth will experience daily. However, like natural teeth, dental crowns can be chipped and damaged, sometimes in a severe way. Just think of crowns in these terms: a crown can help restore your ability to bite and chew, but they can break and sustain damage just like a normal tooth might when trauma or injury occurs.

How Long Will Dental Crowns Last?

A dental crown will usually last about 10 years. Sometimes a dental crown can last up to 15 years. In both cases, this assumes that a person has brushed and flossed regularly and has not sustained serious injuries to their head, face, or mouth.

Damage from Slips and Falls

Slips and falls are a major cause of dental injuries, such as chips, cracks, and missing teeth. It should be no surprise that these can also lead to fractured dental crowns. The severity of the slip or fall will typically determine the severity of the crown fracture.

Damage from Physical Altercations

If you are assaulted or get into some kind of fight or altercation, it's possible for a crown to be damaged. As noted above, crowns are vulnerable to injury just like normal teeth and normal tooth structure.

Damage from Vehicle Accidents

Whether you're in a car, riding a motorcycle, or out on your bicycle, there is a chance you can sustain a major injury that affects your teeth and mouth. To avoid serious injuries, be sure to wear seat belts, helmets, and other protective wear when possible.

Damage from Contact and Combat Sport Injuries

High intensity and hard-hitting, people who participate in contact sports and combat sports know there are many risks of injury. If you compete in football, hockey, rugby, boxing, wrestling, or mixed martial arts (MMA), be sure to wear a mouth guard and any other protective gear. This can help prevent serious harm.

Damage from Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding occurs during sleep. When the teeth can't find a proper rest position, they clench, shift, gnash, and move against one another. The tension and friction generated by grinding teeth can damage crowns and other parts of your mouth. Professional care is often required to cure teeth grinding.

Damage from Regular Wear and Tear

Like we noted at the beginning, dental crowns are subject to regular wear and tear just like your natural teeth. After several years, a crown will likely have been worn down and need replacing.

Learn More About Dental Crowns

For more information about dental crowns and how they may be restored or replaced, be sure to contact our advanced dental care center today. The team at Ridgewood Dental Associates will work with you to ensure optimal dental health and wellness.