Dental Implant Surgery Can Renew Your Smile and Dental Function

Dr. Jin Ha Joung, is a highly trained prosthodontic expert who provides exceptional dental implant treatment. A dental implant is a small titanium post that is surgically inserted into the jaw to replace tooth roots and support a variety of prosthetic teeth. Our doctors perform dental implant surgery at our advanced Ridgewood, NJ, dental office to place the implant, and then attach a natural-looking prostheses such as a dental crown or bridge. Our specialists take care of the entire procedure in our office using highly advanced tools such as our 3D cone beam scanner to ensure comfortable, precise treatment. Patients are often surprised at how easy and painless the implant placement process is. 

Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery

Prior to undergoing any procedure, you will meet with one of our specialists for an in-depth consultation to discuss the risks and benefits of dental implants. Some patients will require one or more procedures to prepare them for dental implant surgery. If you need to have one or more teeth extracted, your doctor may choose to perform this in advance along with socket preservation techniques. Other patients may have their extraction performed on the same day as their implant surgery. Patients who have suffered significant bone loss may require a bone graft to rebuild sufficient bone tissue to support the implants. If you need some or all of your upper teeth replaced, especially those in the back, you may need a sinus lift. This procedure rebuilds the bone tissue beneath the sinus cavity to create more room for implants. A bone graft or a sinus lift requires up to six months of healing before your doctor can place your implants. 

Treatment Planning

You will receive a customized treatment plan that outlines any treatment you need before your surgery, as well as which type of implant would work best for your smile. Using our 3D cone beam scanner, we will obtain images of your jaw to determine the optimal placement of your implants. Once any preliminary procedures and the planning stage are complete, you will return to our office to have your dental implants surgically placed.

Placing the Implants

Dental implant surgery is an outpatient procedure that typically lasts about an hour. We offer IV sedation or nitrous oxide along with local anesthetic to ensure your experience is comfortable and relaxed. When you are ready, your doctor will create small pilot holes in your jaw for the implants and then screw the implants into the bone tissue. Typically, the gums will be closed with a few stitches. Depending on the location and number of teeth you are having replaced, we may provide you with a temporary restoration while you heal.

Patients are often surprised at how easy and painless the implant placement process is. 

Over the next three to six months, the dental implants will fuse with the jawbone. This process is called osseointegration, and it is an essential to the success of your implants. When it is complete, you will return to have an abutment (connector) placed on each implant. A second minor surgery is needed for this step in order to expose the top of the implant post. The gums will need to heal around the abutment prior to restoration placement. Then you will return to our office to have your new crown, bridge, or denture permanently attached.

Dental Implant Process 

After undergoing any necessary procedures to prepare you for dental implants, you will have the titanium posts surgically placed in your jaw tissue. When your jaw heals around them, the implants provide a sturdy anchor for your replacement tooth or teeth.

Benefits and Risks of Dental Implant Surgery

Studies indicate that dental implant treatment has a greater than 95% success rate. Rare risks include infection, nerve damage, injury to surrounding oral structures, and implant failure. When you have your surgery performed by one of our specialists at Ridgewood Dental Associates, risks are significantly minimized. 

Most doctors and patients feel that the benefits of dental implants greatly outweigh the risks. Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. Bone degeneration is a common consequence of tooth loss, and dental implants can protect your facial structure and prevent additional missing teeth by drawing nutrients to the area. The enhanced functionality and appearance that dental implants provide results in an improved quality of life for many patients.

Contact Us Today

Replacing lost teeth with a dental implant-supported restoration can dramatically improve your confidence as well as your dental health. To learn more about dental implant surgery, contact Ridgewood Dental Associates today. 

Drs. Jin Ha Joung, Mark Samani, and Min-Hee Cho.

Ridgewood Dental Associates

At Ridgewood Dental Associates in Bergen County, we pride ourselves on being able to handle virtually all of your needs in a single location. Dr. Jin Ha Joung, Dr. Mark Samani, and Dr. Min-Hee Cho are affiliated with:

  • American College of Prosthodontists
  • American Academy of Periodontology
  • Academy of Osseointegration
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
  • American Dental Association

For more information about our services, contact our office or call (201) 652-2474 today.

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